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Week 10: Matthew 8-9 & Mark 2-5

Full disclosure, I am getting married the weekend of the week I am writing this. Therefore, I have a lot of things to take care of.

As a result, this Come, Follow Me study guide will simply contain the best references, commentaries, and other materials that I am aware of for this weeks study.

Come, Follow Me manual

The link above is easy access to the Church's manual for this weeks reading.

A Redemptive Reading of Mark 5:25-34

A fascinating article by Julie M. Smith from the Interpreter Foundation. This article has wonderful takes on the further meaning and symbols behind some of Jesus's healing miracles. Sister Smith is the author of a newly released and highly acclaimed book on the Gospel of Mark. You can find it here.

Scripture Roundtable: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 7, “[He] Took Our Infirmities, and Bare Our Sicknesses”

This is another resource from the Interpreter Foundation. The very best LDS scholars comment on the themes contained in this weeks reading. This is a very good thing to listen to in the car while you drive.

The Gospel of Mark with Julie Smith

This is a wonderful podcast that explains some of the themes found in The Gospel of Mark. Again, Julie Smith is the author of BYU's New Testament Commentary on The Gospel of Mark.

"Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole", Our Savior in the Gospels

A wonderful half-hour TV Program from BYU TV on the themes of this week's lesson.

Book of Mormon Central's Study Guide

Even more exhaustive than the list I have provided, Book of Mormon Central has provided a host of materials on their page.


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